The Risks of Lasik Overcorrection: What You Need to Know

Overcorrection is a rare but serious complication of Lasik surgery that can lead to keratoconus and blurred or distorted vision. Learn more about the risks associated with Lasik overcorrection and how to reduce them.

The Risks of Lasik Overcorrection: What You Need to Know

Overcorrection is a rare but serious complication of LASIK surgery, which occurs when too much tissue is removed during the procedure. This can lead to a condition called keratoconus, which is characterized by bulging or thinning of the cornea and can cause blurred or distorted vision. Although the exact cause of overcorrection is unknown, excessive ablation of corneal tissue during LASIK is considered a risk factor. Other conditions that may increase the chances of experiencing complications with LASIK include thin corneas, chronic dry eyes, and dilated pupils.

In the past, the need to improve LASIK was more common; however, technological advances such as wavefront technology have reduced the need for repeat treatments. Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) is the most common type of inflammation associated with LASIK. At a meeting of the American Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery last year, Dr. Tal Rviv reported on the results of a series of 14 patients who had overcorrections in one eye after myopic bilateral LASIK.

A bad candidate for LASIK surgery is anyone who would not be fit to undergo normal LASIK or PRK surgery, such as someone with severe dry eyes, an abnormal topography, or unrealistic expectations. Although relatively rare, undercorrection or overcorrection are possible complications of LASIK surgery. Ocular and soft contact lenses can be used to reduce small amounts of hyperopia in myopic postoperative LASIK patients. However, technological advances have made major LASIK complications rare.

Corneal abrasions are usually caused by the microkeratoma (surgical blade) used to create the corneal flap during LASIK surgery. If you already have dry eyes, you won't be a good candidate for LASIK until you undergo treatment for it, as LASIK can exacerbate your condition. Tip-plugs are very effective in treating dry eyes that occurs during waking hours, regardless of whether the situation is associated with LASIK or not. It's important to understand the risks associated with LASIK overcorrection before undergoing any type of eye surgery.

While technological advances have made major complications rare, it's still important to be aware of potential risks and take steps to reduce them. Your doctor can help you determine if you're a good candidate for LASIK and discuss any potential risks or complications that may arise.