Does LASIK Last for Life? A Comprehensive Guide

LASIK is a permanent procedure that corrects your eye prescription at the time of surgery. Learn more about its effects on vision changes related to aging, cataracts, glaucoma & more.

Does LASIK Last for Life? A Comprehensive Guide

LASIK is a permanent procedure that corrects the eye prescription you have at the time of surgery. This means that it cannot disappear, and the effects of the surgery will last for the rest of your life. However, this doesn't prevent the normal changes in vision that occur with aging. Cataract surgeons need to have the patient's complete medical history, including previous refractive procedures (laser vision correction), such as LASIK, in order to provide the best recommendation for excellent vision after cataract surgery.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) can also cover the cost of LASIK surgery, so it's always worth checking with your insurance provider to see if you have any coverage. The best way to find out if you're a good candidate for surgery is to schedule a comprehensive eye exam and consultation with a LASIK surgeon, during which he will thoroughly evaluate your eyes and discuss all vision correction options. For example, approximately 10 percent of patients who underwent LASIK surgery 10 years ago may need to retire to maintain clear vision. The effects of LASIK surgery permanently correct the vision prescription: myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism.

However, LASIK does not affect a patient's ability to choose surgical treatment options for those conditions in the future. A recent study published in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery with patient-reported data concluded that quality of life and satisfaction rates remained high 5 years after LASIK. Distant vision and medical prescription tend to stabilize in your twenties, which is considered the beginning of the optimal age for improving LASIK (any interval between 18 and 65 years may be appropriate for treatment). However, farsightedness is an age-related condition, so even if LASIK is completely stable, the effect of surgery will diminish as the problem progresses over time.

Being a good candidate for LASIK surgery is the best way to know if it's the right vision correction option for you and your lifestyle. In addition, even if you have had LASIK, it is possible that, over the course of your life, myopia or hyperopia will progress (which is why surgeons seek stability in the prescription before performing LASIK). LASIK also does not prevent vision changes related to other eye diseases and conditions, such as glaucoma and cataracts. The laser produces more accurate results and offers the best possible result for a clearer view.

Those imperfections have disappeared, so the idea that a patient's eyes will occasionally “regress” after LASIK doesn't make much sense. To ensure that you get the most out of your LASIK procedure and enjoy clear vision for life, it's important to understand all aspects of this procedure before making a decision. Consulting with an experienced ophthalmologist or optometrist can help you make an informed decision about whether or not LASIK is right for you.