Does LASIK Surgery Provide Permanent Vision Correction?

LASIK surgery is a permanent form of laser vision correction that can help reduce or eliminate the need for eyeglasses and contact lenses. Learn more about how it works and its potential side effects.

Does LASIK Surgery Provide Permanent Vision Correction?

The physical effects of LASIK surgery are permanent, as it remodels the cornea in a way that lasts a lifetime. People who undergo this procedure can reduce or eliminate their need for eyeglasses and contact lenses, but age-related changes such as cataracts and the need for reading glasses may still affect them as they age. In short, yes, LASIK, PRK and SMILE are permanent forms of laser vision correction. The physical alterations to the cornea caused by LASIK eye surgery are permanent.

However, if the initial surgery doesn't produce the desired results or if your eye changes due to another medical condition, such as cataracts, you may need a follow-up procedure or cataract surgery. Certain medical conditions unrelated to the eyes can increase the risks associated with LASIK surgery or make the outcome less predictable. LASIK and other laser vision correction procedures treat common vision problems such as myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism. Before a LASIK procedure, your eye doctor will evaluate detailed eye measurements and assess the overall health of your eyes. The surgeon will then determine if LASIK is the right option for you, confirm the measurements to guide the procedure, perform the procedure and provide postoperative care. Your LASIK surgeon will also want to know if your eyeglasses have changed in the last few years before the procedure.

As you age, your eye muscles naturally lose some of their flexibility and strength, causing your ability to focus on nearby things to gradually deteriorate. Monovision is a modified type of LASIK surgery that corrects one eye for distant vision and the other for near vision. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, LASIK is an ambulatory refractive procedure that can be used to treat astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia. Other treatments that can help retain near and far vision as you age include lens replacement surgery, corneal implants and LASIK with monovision. If your eyes are prone to these problems, they may continue to develop over time, which could ultimately result in less than ideal vision. By removing a small amount of corneal tissue in a highly specialized pattern, LASIK can restore or create the ideal shape for your individual eye to improve vision. Although complications that cause vision loss are rare, certain side effects such as dry eyes and temporary visual disturbances are quite common.