Is LASIK Surgery Worth It at 35 Years Old?

At age 30, LASIK surgery is a great option to consider. Learn more about why patients in their 20s and 30s may consider it a good time to invest in LASIK surgery and what guidelines should be followed before opting for the procedure.

Is LASIK Surgery Worth It at 35 Years Old?

At age 30, LASIK surgery is a great option to consider. At this point in life, your vision has likely been stable for a few years and your eyes have reached full development. This means that your distance vision is unlikely to worsen once corrected. The most popular time to have LASIK surgery is between the ages of 35 and 40, as patients are more likely to be able to afford treatment and prefer more years of active lifestyles with less dependence on eyeglasses and contact lenses.

The Bausch and Lomb Technolas 217 is approved by the FDA for people over 18 years of age, but there are a few reasons why patients in their 20s and 30s may consider it a good time to invest in LASIK surgery. For one, many people view LASIK as an investment that saves their eyesight and the cost of eyeglasses or contact lenses. Additionally, if you are an avid traveler, LASIK can make air travel easier by reducing in-flight eye dryness caused by contact lenses and eliminating the need to travel with contact lenses and emergency eyeglasses. Although there is no single recommendation as to when to undergo LASIK surgery, there are some guidelines that are useful to know before opting for the procedure.

After age 40, the popularity of LASIK surgery begins to decline, as it is an age when the eyes begin to change once again. Most providers don't perform LASIK surgery on people younger than 18 because the eyes tend to change constantly until early adulthood. It's important to understand that while LASIK surgery may be an ideal option for many, it's not right for everyone. Dry eyes can be worsened by refractive surgery, so it's important to seek treatment for this condition before undergoing LASIK surgery to optimize results.

Regular eye exams for at least two years before LASIK surgery are recommended. If you were trying to choose at what age to have LASIK surgery, your best bet would probably be in your twenties and thirties. One of the most important factors in determining if LASIK surgery is the right procedure for you is whether or not your vision has remained stable.