When can you return to normal activities after lasik?

Most LASIK patients return to their normal routine within a day or two. Be careful not to touch your eyes for at least two weeks.

When can you return to normal activities after lasik?

Most LASIK patients return to their normal routine within a day or two. Be careful not to touch your eyes for at least two weeks. To avoid irritating your eyes, it is recommended that you avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, lakes, and oceans for at least two weeks after the procedure. Most patients take a nap after the LASIK procedure and many find that their eyes feel nearly normal 6 to 8 hours after the procedure.

Most patients have excellent vision 24 hours after surgery and can return to work the next day. After the procedure, we recommend that you go home to rest. The next day, you should be able to return to work and resume most of your normal activities. Recovery after LASIK eye surgery is usually fairly quick, and most patients can drive and resume their daily activities the day after surgery.

However, there are still some restrictions that you should be aware of to promote optimal healing. Athletic activities can be resumed two days to one month after LASIK, depending on the type of activity and the progression of individual healing. The first day after LASIK surgery, you can easily start exercising from the comfort of your home. Enjoy moderate exercise, such as walking, riding an exercise bike, or lifting weights, that don't require you to leave home.

After performing LASIK, you'll need to wait a couple of days before resuming any type of physical activity. If you're considering LASIK surgery, you're most likely wondering how long after the procedure you'll be able to resume your normal activities. After two weeks, you'll be ready to start doing many of the more adventurous outdoor activities you enjoy again, but the key is to always wear eye protection. If your eyes are still sensitive to light or you feel tired, wait a few more days to return to work.

Each person will heal a little differently, so it is important to consult with the surgeon before resuming any type of activity that could delay or complicate recovery. While eye protection is not required for these activities, it's important to always be careful and bring your own towel to keep your eyes clean. From basketball and volleyball, martial arts to skiing and snowboarding, you'll need to wear eye protection while doing any of these activities for up to three months after surgery.