Can LASIK Surgery Correct Your Vision?

LASIK surgery is a popular vision correction procedure that can improve vision in people with certain refractive errors such as myopia or astigmatism. Learn more about LASIK requirements and risks.

Can LASIK Surgery Correct Your Vision?

LASIK surgery is a popular vision correction procedure that can improve vision in people with certain refractive errors, such as myopia. It is a great option for those who no longer want to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct their vision disorders. The U. S.

Food and Drug Administration sets treatment parameters for surgery, and according to these guidelines, people with up to 6 diopters of farsightedness or up to -12 diopters of myopia can have a LASIK correction. However, there are times when surgery is not correct, since its prescription is too high. Before LASIK surgery, your doctor will evaluate your vision and the tests are likely to be more intense than what you're used to in a regular eye exam. The doctor should also evaluate the health of your eyes to ensure that you are healthy enough for surgery.

To qualify for LASIK, you must have a stable prescription. This means that your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses should stay the same for about a year before surgery begins. A stable prescription isn't the only requirement for LASIK. You will also need numbers that fit the guidelines specified by the U.

FDA. These parameters are configured on a per-device basis, meaning that some lasers are stronger than others and can approach procedures accordingly. While the FDA sets visual acuity limits, doctors must perform the procedure. Every time they work with a pair of eyes, they put their reputation on the line.

They also want their patients to make the best possible decision. So they have opinions about when surgery is an exceptional idea. Physicians must weigh the risks and benefits for their patients. Some doctors say that moderate myopia, which they define as -5 to -6 diopters, is a sweet spot for LASIK surgery.

Patients with vision like this have a potentially large benefit with lower risks. However, people who reach the limit may also have significant benefits in the future, according to these doctors. People who are legally blind may agree with that assessment. A pre-surgery exam can help the doctor plan the procedure and determine what approach to use, what tools would be best, and how recovery might advance.

However, as the American Council on Refractive Surgery points out, the consultation can also help your doctor determine if surgery is right for you. Your doctor can evaluate your vision with standard tools and some doctors add special eye drops to the mix. This medication temporarily paralyzes the muscles surrounding the eye, so the doctor can accurately assess how well the eye structures are working without the help of muscles. After a complete LASIK exam, you'll know how well you can see and how well your eyes could tolerate laser surgery.

The doctor will discuss the results with you in detail and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions that arise. If you decide to go ahead with LASIK surgery, the surgery will be scheduled and your doctor will tell you how to prepare. Hundreds of thousands of people undergo LASIK surgery every year and if you are one of them, your doctor will work hard to ensure that your vision is sharp and clear after surgery. LASIK eye surgery can improve mild to moderate vision problems and often provides better vision than glasses or contact lenses can provide.

However, most people still need glasses for driving at night or reading as they age. We look forward to working with you to determine the best eye surgery or nonsurgical treatment for your individual needs and start your journey to a clearer vision now by booking an appointment with us at one of our many centers in our extensive network.