What are the do's and don'ts after lasik surgery?

You can shower the day after your LASIK procedure. Avoid strenuous activities, such as exercising, for at least one week after LASIK surgery.

What are the do's and don'ts after lasik surgery?

You can shower the day after your LASIK procedure. Avoid strenuous activities, such as exercising, for at least one week after LASIK surgery. This includes any type of contact sport where you may be hit in the face, head, or eyes. You should avoid any type of activity that requires you to also lean at waist height.

This can cause too much intraocular pressure. Avoid these activities until your doctor says you can participate in them again. If you're looking for a LASIK specialist on Long Island, the eye doctors at Stahl Eyecare Experts want to offer you a great opportunity in laser eye surgery. Once you and your eye doctor have determined that you are a candidate for LASIK surgery, you'll want to have the procedure as soon as possible.

However, for the best possible recovery, you shouldn't do these things, at least for a while after LASIK surgery. It is also strongly recommended that all patients follow the postoperative regimen after iLASIK surgery. However, that doesn't mean that your vision has reached its full potential or that your eyes have already healed. Proper care after LASIK is extremely important to ensure a speedy recovery so that you can return to your normal activities as soon as possible.

Read on for some essential tips to consider when preparing for LASIK surgery and what comes next.