How to Get Rid of Night Glare After LASIK Surgery

If you're experiencing night glare after undergoing LASIK surgery, there are steps you can take to reduce the glare and improve your night vision. Learn more about how to reduce night glare after LASIK surgery.

How to Get Rid of Night Glare After LASIK Surgery

If you're experiencing night glare after undergoing LASIK surgery, you're not alone. Up to 30% of patients who have had the procedure report having problems seeing at night. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the glare and improve your night vision. If pupil enlargement is the cause of your problems, your healthcare provider may prescribe certain eye drops to reduce the size of your pupil.

In addition, special contact lenses can be used to help reduce glare and halos by reducing the size of the pupil. Wearing lenses with an anti-reflective coating can also help eliminate unwanted glare and halos. For moderate to intense night vision glare, it is recommended to use a dye. A pink or light pink color, combined with an anti-reflective coating, will alleviate light intensity and glare.

Your eye doctor should be able to refer you to a good optician who can help you find the right type of nightgoggles. It's important to note that some night vision problems after LASIK surgery can be permanent and disabling. If you're considering LASIK as an alternative to eyeglasses or contact lenses, it's important to be aware of this potential side effect. Refractive surgeons trained with increasingly accurate diagnoses are good at identifying and treating myopia (myopia) and other conditions that affect night vision before the LASIK procedure. If you're already experiencing night vision problems after LASIK, there are still steps you can take to improve your vision. Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor.

You may be prescribed a low-potency medication to sharpen your vision at night. Patients who have night vision problems after LASIK should submit a MedWatch report to the FDA online. In addition, there are a few lifestyle changes you can make to reduce glare and improve your night vision. Make sure you get enough sleep each night, as fatigue can worsen night vision problems. Avoid bright lights before bedtime, as this can make it harder for your eyes to adjust to darkness.

And if you're driving at night, make sure you keep your headlights clean and in good condition. Night glare after LASIK surgery can be a frustrating problem, but there are steps you can take to reduce the glare and improve your night vision. Talk to your eye doctor about medications or lifestyle changes that may help improve your vision.